Blue Blue Blue Christmas!

Well  it is Throw Back Thursday.......and I am enjoying working away with the Christmas tunes in the background. I have  had Blue Christmas stuck in my head today which got me thinking........of Blue Christmas trees and decor galore. As many of you know I have had a wee bit of a Blue Love Affair this year, from teals to turquoise they are exciting to blend into spaces and palettes. We have a sense of calmness and the sense of comfort like a old pair of jeans, relaxed - we Trust - its TRUE BLUE. 

Blue at Christmas doesn't have to be a depressing colour, its actually quite elegant, magical......and HOT! It you have wee ones about the house, the movie Frozen has brought blues, snow and ice right to the front door. Open the magic! 

Frozen by Disney

Frozen by Disney

Frozen Tree Orniments!

Frozen Tree Orniments!

Frozen - layered blues.

Frozen - layered blues.

Looking at the baubles and not sure where to start with Blue? Focus your mind scape to  that Tiffany Blue Box and satin ribbon - combined with sparkly silver snowflakes and navy baubles - the navy of twilight. Now you have it! White lights look stunning with blue decor as does blue lights if you are feeling bold! Remember to carry the accent over to your vignettes silver candle sticks and white candles.. maybe even tie twine around them with snowflakes! Of course snowmen can be fun to add in......maybe a top hat at your entrance table with a vase of carrots still with greenery and snowflakes! I smile just writing that one.........

Christmas blue tree.jpg


Top Hat

Top Hat





Another favourite touch is adding some whimsy to the is an idea with different blue ornaments and ribbons nothing short of stunning! 

I hope this has given you some inspiration! Its truly about embracing season  with your decor accents, layer your blueswhites and silvers - snowflakes and snowman Using the Blue palette will compliemtn any decor style while bringing  Delight & Wonder  wonder  which is  really what this spirit of Christmas  does to our hearts! 


.......'with or without you I am going to have a TRUE Blue Christmas'! 

.......'with or without you I am going to have a TRUE Blue Christmas'! 

Share the LOVE. 

Share the LOVE.